Application Versions

[0.0.8] - 2024-03-04


  • fixed logging of datetime change by user and system shutdown events
  • allow other Mime types when uploading libraries


  • New Feature: Added the ability to configure a server to ping for datetime information.

    • Server IP address and port configurable in System Settings


[0.0.7] - 2024-02-21




  • reduced number of TRBD calibration points to 5, removed ninety degree calibration option

  • bumped Scichart version

[0.0.6] - 2023-11-15



  • added McFarland value to optical_density device

  • updated Aqueduct TRBD device to include 10-point calibration for OD and McFarland values based on transmitted signal


[0.0.5] - 2023-09-22


  • fixed connection creation for Pinch Valve device

  • fixed number incrementing/decrementing in controls for pumps and pinch valve position


  • added jacketed vessel and vial icons

  • added Upload Setup and Upload Recipe forms to the Sandbox Recipe Icon Menu and the Sandbox Widget Menu (Setup only)

  • New Feature: Added PID-related classes and functions for advanced control.

    • Introduced the Pid, PidController, Schedule, Controller, and ControllerSchedule classes.
    • These classes enable more sophisticated control over processes, incorporating proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control strategies.
    • The API now supports fine-tuning control parameters, setting schedules, and enabling/disabling PID controllers.
    • Detailed documentation on these new features is available in the updated API documentation.
  • New Feature: Added the ability to control process registration during initialization.

    • The new register_process argument has been introduced to the InitParams class in aqueduct-py.
    • When initializing the system, you can now specify whether to register a process with the Aqueduct API.
    • Registering a process installs UI-based recipe control, allowing users to perform actions like emergency stop (e-stop), pause, and resume for Python-based recipe processes.
    • The -r or --register command-line option is used to control this feature.
    • By default, if no value is provided for the register option, it is set to 1 (true), meaning a process will be registered.
    • To skip process registration during initialization, explicitly set the register option to 0 (false).
  • New Feature: Introduced the concept of a virtual device, designed to re-route actions sent from a client to a specified target.

    • The VirtualDevice module provides functionality for creating and managing virtual devices, which abstract multiple Device ID's to a single Node, eg.
    • This feature is especially useful for scenarios where the behavior of hardware devices needs to be simulated or redirected.
  • Integration: Added support for the aq-rpi-hal library.

    • The aq-rpi-hal library provides hardware abstraction and control functions for Raspberry Pi-based systems.
    • This integration enables seamless interaction with hardware components and sensors using the Aqueduct API.


  • made Temperature Probe and Mass Flow Meter reading values optional

[0.0.4] - 2023-07-17


  • handle uploading empty files to library



  • "continue" buttons disabled until "set" pressed when calibrating MasterFlex pumps

  • changed PPX (TMCM6214) firmware to use a 10 ms delay bewteen pings for position

  • added "plain" text files as allowed subtype for library upload with .py extension

[0.0.3] - 2023-07-12



  • added frequency scaling calibration for single (TMC5130) Aqueduct peristaltic pump

  • added loading of stored frequency scaling from EEPROM for single (TMC5130) Aqueduct peristaltic pump

  • added viewing of library files in browser

  • PH3 (3x pH probe) firmware


[0.0.2] - 2023-07-04


  • Bound on TriContinent syringe pump plunger position to eliminate updating during a plunger resolution mode change.

  • Fixed timing on valve acutation queries for TRCX firmware

  • SciChart licensing


  • added PH3 firmware, refactored TRBD device to use 3 x I2C main

  • added pH probe set calibration command and action


  • UI modifications

    • updated border width calculation for widget/container windows when full size

    • added context menu interactions for toggling/clearing recorded values and setting sim params

  • made status update pH value field for pH device field optional

  • None update of torr values for SciLog pressure transducers and grams values for Ohaus balances. This change will set the values to None when no device is attached to the node.

[0.0.1] - 2023-06-19

Initial Release